Koda here! I'm finally back home. Actually, we've been back for 4 days but Mom and Dad have been busy, well Mom only worked 2 days this week so she's been just plain lazy and not updating my life! Well, Pittsburgh was fun. I had fun with Grandpa, Auntie and Uncle Bill. I even got to play with Yo Yo. I didn't see Mom or Dad for 2 weeks! That's like YEARS in doggie time! I was so excited when Grandpa took me in the van one night, I was like half asleep and he woke me up and put me in the van. I'm like Grandpa, don't you think it's a bit late to be going for late night joy rides? Well, to my surprise, we picked up Mom and Dad from the airport! They had just gotten back from Taiwan. It was SO good to see them and they were super happy to see moi. I mean, who wouldn't? Then that week, they did this thing called "marriage" and I guess it's when Mom and Dad are officially Mom and Dad. Weird, I will never understand that stuff. But the 3 of us drove back this past Monday and I'm pretty much back to normal. Mom took some pictures of me today. Here they are!
And this time, I heard Mom saying something about leaving me with Grandpa for 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS?!?!? I guess Mom and Dad are going somewhere called "Taiwan", those two are crazy. But I've been getting spoiled here by Grandpa. He's been taking me on walks in the morning and sometimes at night if Mom doesn't. I guess I we came out here so I can "get used to" being here. I'm a Newf! I'm totally cool with everybody and everything! Well, I am going to nap now. It's tiring sometimes being spoiled all the time.
...and she's been driving me crazy! So I've developed something called a 'hot spot' on my right paw. Mom and Dad have been cleaning it everyday and putting this cream on it. Yuck! Then they make me wear this funny looking thing on my foot, and if I take that off they put a cone on my head!! Ahh! So not cool. Don't they know that girls could be watching?? Even if I sneak a lick in the middle of the night somehow my dad has x-ray vision in the dark and knows exactly what I'm doing...next thing I hear "Koda, NO!" Dad's a jerkstore. It's just a lick. So back to my mom's new camera. Here are some pics she took of me. I'm really good looking arent't I??
I'm a Black Newfoundland puppy who adopted two human parents. I was born in Connecticut but we now live in Massachusetts. My AKC registered name is Lakeside Soul Patch (mom thought it was funny because of my white patch on my chest). I enjoy long walks, treats, tummy rubs, biting mom and dad, treats, zoomies around the house, playing in the snow, and chewing on anything and everything! My days consist of playing, chewing, walks, TREATS, getting lots of hugs from mom and dad, and just being my sweet sweet self.